Operation Guide 3779 4306
About Auto Receive
With auto receive, the w atch receives the time calibration signal automatically up to
five times a da y . When an y auto receive is successful, the remaining auto receiv e
operations are not perf ormed. The reception schedule (calibration times) depends on
your currently selected Home Time Zone, and whether standard time or Daylight
Saving Time is selected for your Home Time Zone.
Y our Home Time Zone Auto Receive Start Times
1 2345
GMT +0 Standard Time 1:00 am 2:00 am 3:00 am 4:00 am 5:00 am
Daylight Saving Time 2:00 am 3:00 am 4:00 am 5:00 am Midnight
GMT +1 Standard Time 2:00 am 3:00 am 4:00 am 5:00 am Midnight
Daylight Saving Time 3:00 am 4:00 am 5:00 am Midnight 1:00 am
next da y
GMT +2 Standard Time 3:00 am 4:00 am 5:00 am Midnight 1:00 am
next da y
Daylight Saving Time 4:00 am 5:00 am Midnight 1:00 am 2:00 am
next da y next da y
GMT –5, Standard Time and Midnight 1:00 am 2:00 am 3:00 am 4:00 am
–6, Daylight Saving Time
•When a calibration time is reached, the w atch will automatically receive the
calibration signal only if it is in either the Timekeeping Mode or Receive Result
Mode. Auto receive is not perf ormed if a calibration time is reached while you are
configuring settings.
•Auto receipt of the calibr ation signal is designed to be performed early in the
morning, while you sleep (provided that the Timekeeping Mode time is set correctly).
Before going to bed f or the night, remove the watch from your wrist, and put it in a
location where it can receive the signal easily .
•The watch receiv es the calibration signal for two to se ven minutes ev eryday when
the time in the Timekeeping Mode reaches each of the calibration times . Do not
perform any button oper ation within seven minutes bef ore or after any one of the
calibration times. Doing so can interfere with correct calibration.
•Remember that reception of the calibration signal depends on the current time in the
Timekeeping Mode. The receive operation will be perf ormed whenever the displa y
shows any one of the calibr ation times, regardless of whether or not the display ed
time is actually the correct time.
T o turn off time calibration signal reception
1. In the Timekeeping Mode , hold down B for about fiv e
seconds until the second hand mov es to the currently
selected time zone and stops. This is the setting mode .
2. Press A a many times as required to mov e the second
hand to 11 o’clock.
•Time calibration signal reception is turned off when
the second hand is pointing to 11 o’clock.
3. Press B three times to exit the setting mode .
•If you turn off signal reception and then select a home
time zone that supports signal reception again, be sure
to perform a manual receiv e operation to adjust the time
T o perform man ual receive
1. Place the watch on a stable surf ace so its 6 o’ clock side
is facing to wards a window .
2. In the Timek eeping Mode, hold down A for about two
seconds until the second hand mov es to the area along
the bottom of the f ace marked “• ” (33 seconds).
•This will start manual calibration signal reception.
3. The second hand indicates one of the follo wing
conditions described below during signal reception.
•The hour and minute hands continue to keep time
normally .
Start of Signal
“• ” area (33 seconds)
“••• ” area (38 seconds)
Getting ready
to receive
It means this:If the second hand is pointing here:
•Time calibration signal reception takes from tw o to sev en minutes, b ut in some
cases it can take up to 10 minutes . T ake care that y ou do not perform any button
operations or mov e the watch during this time.
•The watch will enter the Receiv e Result Mode automatically after signal reception is
•T o interrupt a receive operation and return to the Timekeeping Mode, press A.
Viewing the Latest Signal Reception Results
Y ou can use the Receive Result Mode to chec k if signal reception was perf ormed
correctly .
T o check the latest signal reception results
Enter the Receive Result Mode.
•The watch will enter the Receiv e Result Mode
automatically after you perf orm a manual receive
•The position of the second hand indicates the result of
the latest receive operation, as sho wn below .
“Y ” area (22 seconds) : Receive successful
“N ” area (27 seconds) : Receive failed
•The hour and minute hands continue to k eep time normally in the Receive Result Mode.
•The watch will not enter the Receive Result Mode when y ou press A if calibration
signal reception is turned off.
•T o return to the Timekeeping Mode, press A.
•Manually changing the hour and minute hand setting clears the current receiv e
result. This is indicated by the second hand pointing to the “N ” area (27 seconds).
•The second hand will point to the “ N ” area (27 seconds) if the last receive operation
was interrupted for some reason.
Signal Reception T roubleshooting
Check the follo wing points whenever you e xperience problems with signal reception.
•The watch is not in the Timekeeping
Mode or Receive Result Mode .
•Signal reception is turned off.
•Y ou changed the time setting
manually .
Y ou w ere adjusting the watch settings
when the auto receiv e start times
were reached.
Y ou pressed
while signal receive
was in progress .
The second
hand is
pointing to
the “ N ” area
27 seconds
•Enter the Timekeeping Mode
or Receive Result Mode and
try again.
•Select a time zone that
enables calibration signal
•P erform manual signal
receive or wait until the ne xt
auto signal receive operation
is performed.
•Check to mak e sure the
watch is in a location where it
can receive the signal.
What you should doProblem Probab le Cause
Time setting
is incorrect
follo wing
•The Home Time Zone setting is not
correct for the area where y ou are
using the watch.
•The home position of the hands is
•Select the correct Home
Time Zone.
•Enter the Home P osition
Adjustment Mode and adjust
the home position.
•For further information, see “ Important! ” under “Time Calibration Signal Reception ”
and “Radio-controlled Timekeeping Precautions ”.
Adjusting the Home P ositions
If the time settings are wrong ev en after the time calibration signal is received
normally , use the following procedure to adjust their home positions.
T o adjust the home positions
1. Enter the Home P osition Adjustment Mode.
•If the home position of the second hand is currently
correct, it will mov e to the 12 o’ clock position.
•The analog hands do not keep time during home
position adjustment.
2. Check the position of the second hand.
•The second hand home position is correct if it is
pointing at 12 o’clock.
•If the second hand is not pointing at 12 o ’clock, it
means that its home position is off. If this happens,
press A to mov e the second hand clockwise in one-
second steps, until it points at 12 o’clock.
12 o’ clock
Correct second hand
home position 3. Press B to adv ance to hour and minute hand home
position adjustment.
•If current hour and minute hand alignment is correct,
they will both mo ve to 12 o’clock.
4. Check the position of the hour and min ute hands.
•If the hour and minute hands are not pointing at 12
o’ clock, it means that their home position is off . If this
happens, press A to mov e the hour and minute
hands clockwise in 20-second steps , until they point
at 12 o’clock.
5. Press B to e xit home position adjustment.
•This will cause the watch to return to the Timekeeping
Mode. The hour , minute, and second hands will indicate
the current time.
Correct hour
and minute hand
home position
12 o’ clock
Use the Timekeeping Mode to set and vie w the current
time. This section also explains ho w to set the current time
manually .
•If you become confused and lose your w ay during the
following procedures , simply put the watch down and do
not perform any b utton operation for about three
minutes. This will cause the watch to enter the
Timekeeping Mode (indicated by normal one-second
movement of the second hand) automatically . After that,
you can try performing the manual setting procedure
again from the beginning.
Hour hand Minute hand
Second hand
Setting the Time
Y ou can use the Timekeeping Mode to change the hand setting and to switch between
Standard Time and Daylight Sa ving Time.
•Y ou can also change the Home Time Zone setting in the Timek eeping Mode.
T o change the time setting
1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down B for about fiv e
seconds until the second hand moves to the currently
selected time zone and stops. This is the setting mode.
2. Press B twice.
•This will cause the second hand to the 8-second
to move the time setting f orward by one min ute.
•Holding down A f or about two seconds starts high-
speed hand movement. High-speed hand movement
will continue until the hands complete a 12-hour cycle,
or until you stop them b y pressing A .
4. Coordinating with a time signal on the radio or TV , press B to restart nor mal
timekeeping. The second hand will mov e to 12 o’ clock at the start of timekeeping.
•If you did not change any of the time settings (hour , minute), pressing B will cause
the second hand to mov e to the seconds for the current time and resume
timekeeping from there.
•If you manually change the time setting between midnight and noon, the w atch will
perform auto receive starting from noon. After that, auto receive will be perf ormed at
the normal times (star ting from midnight) each day . If you manually change the time
setting between noon and midnight, the watch will start performing normal auto
receive starting from midnight.